Work cited

Works Cited
Chandler, Fiona. Usborne World History Medieval World. London: Usborne, 1999. Print.
English, Edward D. "Knights and Knighthood during the Midieval Ages." Ancient and Medieval History Online. Encyclopedia of the Medieval World Vol. 1, 2001. Web. 2011.
English, Edward D. "Knights Templar." Ancient and Medieval History Online. Facts On File News Services. Web.
Gravett, Christopher. The World of the Medieval Knights. Chicago: Peter Bedrick, 1996. Print.
Harpur, James. Warriors All the Truth,tactics,triumphs of History. New York: Simon and Schuster Childrens Division, 2007. Print.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What type of technology did the knights have access to?

The knights were the most feared figures on the battlefield. They had many weapons that they could use to attack castles, guard castles, or just to fight close range or long range combat. My weapons of choice would probably be the halberd, battle ax or the cross bow. The cross bow was a bow that was mounted on a rifle shaped figure, it was able to be cranked up to load the arrow and shot with the pull of a trigger. Secondly is the halberd, the halberd was a spear and an ax mixed together. It was mostly 6 feet long or more to keep enemies at a distance, it was usually used by foot soldiers. Finally the battle ax, the battle ax was very effective, it of course had an ax on one end but a hammer or a pick on the other side. It sometimes had a sharp point on the handle for closer combat. Knights used heavy armor that protected thier whole body from head to toe. They used ballistas, battering rams, and catapults to envade a castles.

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